Things Not To Do In Sales

Author: Anando Chatterjee

Everyone tells us ‘How to crack a sale “How to make a Sales Call” how to improve your strike ratio but does anybody tell you “what not to do in sales “?

90% of sales call do not materialize because customer didn’t like what you offered but because the way you offered

It’s not important what you are selling its important how you are selling

Today we will discuss a few things which we should NOT do in sales in Luminaire Business1.Relationship is lifelong it’s not a one sale relationship …

1. Relationship is lifelong it’s not a one sale relationship:
Never just be a sales person with your customer, be a part of his life

Do not start on your product immediately Make the customer feel that Lighting Changes Life, good lighting increases productivity, increases employee satisfaction, enhances quality of life

Never lie or overcommit because that will not create trust

Telling the truth may risk you losing an order but you will win a customer for the rest of your life.

2.Do not Sell Luminaires Sell Lighting solutions:
Your USP of the product should be directly related to the customer’s benefit in terms of Money, productivity, safety and health.

3.Do Not Walk into a sales call without doing research about the customer needs and how your products can benefit them:
There is a lot of instance where the same sales pitch is used for all customers across the board the customer loses interest in the first few minutes of the sales pitch. The purpose and application of luminaire should be known beforehand. Pitch to the commercial team and the technical team will be different.

4.Do not make sales call a monologue:
A monologue will make the presentation / sales call boring and you will not be able to judge the customers interest

Asking question making the customers speak will also help you evaluate your own sales call instantly

Mock up in lighting is a very effective way of showing your product and influencing the customer

Do not make the presentation too technical.

5.Not every query needs to be answered:
If you are presenting in front of a group of persons and all of them start asking questions/ objections take the question /objection you can handle the best, you will soon realize that out of 5 queries by answering 2 in a convincing way the rest generally 3 fade away, then carry on with your sales pitch

In case you do not know the answer just accept and say “Good point I will get back to you” no one expects you to know everything but it has to be an exception not all queries can have this answer.

6.Do Not pre judge the deciding authority:
Some make the mistake of making the presentation to only one person in the group and thereby ignoring others, this can be a costly mistake because we never know the passive power of the group

And if someone is present in a presentation or specially called in then there must be a weightage of his opinion for the deciding authority.

7.Sometimes losing is winning:
Sometimes in our over enthusiasm we tend to get into a small argument with the customer and in the process of proving our point we make the mistake of pushing the customer away from us

Competition is always good but your product is better

If you see the discussion going irrational it’s better to take a step back and let it go for the moment.

8.Do Not hesitate to Ask for an order:
Do not hesitate to ask for an order, lot of people make fantastic sales pitch, but never ask for an order

Just as you expect a security guard to frisk you and you don’t feel bad similarly the customers expects you to ask for an order

Keep time for negotiations and discussion do not waste entire time on presentation and product features.

9.Do Not think that winning an order is end of YOUR responsibility:

Getting an order always gives you a high it’s a great feeling, but our Job is only half done because you have to win the customer, Ensure service, ensure his queries are answered, check on the product feedback Build your personal Goodwill build a relationship. Look for recommendation from the customer for more business



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