In Plant Logistics – Key Elements To Enhance The Business Of Manufacturing Entities

Innovative technologies influence logistics and its marketing in many ways. Advancements in the digitalization of supply chain including automation of logistics process such as Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), smart sensors, big data and Artificial Intelligence has paved the way forward. Technological advances such as these are effectively being used in both internal and external logistics processes.

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Of Myths and Stories and False Propaganda

A new year brings 365 new opportunities. To do more. To make mistakes. And to learn from them and grow. While this is certainly what I wish for you, dear reader, there is one mistake I hope you stay away from this year, which is to take some of the social myths on their face value. This is concerning because most of these social myths are out there ,without people knowing them to be false and without anyone calling them out.

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CMO to CEO : The Final Journey

“ Why around 80%  CMO’s Don’t Make It. What It Takes To Get To The Top”.

The top marketing job in the company is a minefield where many talented executives have failed. While some of this is attributable to the ambiguity of the role itself, its also a function of how a CMO builds consensus among his / her other C-suite peers and looks at his / her department more in terms of the business impact it delivers and not merely a  function relegated to marketing activities.

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