Decoding Shopper – Consumer Dichotomy

When we speak about market dynamics and consumption behavior, there needs to be a deep understanding of the difference between shoppers vs consumers. Generic marketing will draw upon consumer insights that relate to the perception of the product and the likeability of the product depending on product attributes.

In the new age of shopping, the in-store environment has triggered a sense of choice among shoppers. We know consumers are decision makers and they are the sole individuals that consume the products. But the shoppers are not only doing the purchasing for the consumer but also making decisions on behalf of consumers. The retail environment at in-store level are now more interactive which works on the 5P execution. The dominant P of 5P is the POP/POSM fixtures (communication) across all retail environments, predominantly in the modern trade format.

The key product attributes from brand to functional benefit to packaging to size to color etc. are more vivid in form of communication on the product, category shelf, and off category coupled with experiential sampling. The digital push through social media and endorsement/reviews by bloggers and opinion leaders are the new catalysts for the shoppers to take decision to buy.

The dichotomy in marketers’ minds is that in this digital age, shoppers are becoming more important than consumers, and a shift is happening. The shopper’s behavior and the ease of shopping sometimes bulldoze the consumer’s likeability where the shopper and consumer are not the same person.

Now all merchandise is more exposed on product reviews through digital (Instagram, WhatsApp, twitter, etc.), hence the product experience is more evaluated on product benefit vs price. The functional benefit and in some cases the emotional benefit attached to the product will be more important than only packaging and price. Initial buying and consumption triggers among shoppers may be based on packaging, price, and size content, but the likeability trend is shifting towards product benefit.

The shopping experience and the in-store engagement keeps alive the brick-and-mortar architecture. The new millennials will move more towards e-commerce in the days to come. Content will play a big role and along with product reviews will act as a recommendation mechanism for buying.

In the emergent future, the digital platform is where the shopper and the consumer will converge.

While we debate “who comes first, Shopper or Consumer“, the imperative for the marketer is to provide value that delivers promise and experience with a high-quality quotient. The purchase decision hierarchy study on key attributes that enabled a shopper to buy will increasingly be dominated by more by-product benefits that are communicated effectively In-store as well as through other shopper touchpoints on the decision journey.

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