Don’t Sell To Be Successful

Author: Sabyasachi Satpathy

Seems to be funny to you, not practical, illogical, hard to believe, how come without selling I will be successful in Sales but it’s true and you will actually realize the difference once after you have gone through the below points thoroughly as study says most of the successful people in Sales actually doesn’t sale.

Let’s find out how…

Don’t Sell Yourself

Since our initial training about Sales and in Sales Management Books it was always emphasizes to us that to be successful in Sales the first & foremost is to Sell Yourself or else the Customer will not convince about your product and the same concept was in my mind during my initial career but with the experience I get to know that “YOU” as a person has got lot of qualities and our mind is stronger than anything so, you need not to sell yourself but you need to be truthful, Simple, clear in thought and provide the customer what is going to beneficial to him , moreover create a faith in customer’s mind then your job done because once he has got a faith on you then whatever he required will buy from ‘YOU”. 

Change the way you do the business now as it is a different world customer will only buy from you if he has a strong belief on you and not by your selling techniques, by your dress or personality.

Don’t Convince your Customer

“Customer” the word is very much complex, and it is different in each of your Channel of Sales, where it is not advisable to treat all customers same as they all are different. Before you approach your customer get all the relevant information about the product the customer is using and suggest the appropriate solutions to his requirements where the customer’s expectation levels will be met. Also get more information about the customer’s likes & dislikes so that it will be easier for you to present your product or services. Be truthful to the customer mention clearly what your product & services can offer and don’t ever try to convince him by saying unnecessary features rather than that create a personal image and value by which the customer will respect you.

Don’t follow the shortcuts & Love your Job

If you will read the life history or journey of successful people in any of the professions then there always a lot of hard work with a long struggle towards their achievements and they love what they were or are doing.

Shortcuts means by achieving or getting the things before time by anyhow which really will be a black spot in your career as you have followed some unfair or unethical way of achieving a success which also will remain as short term. Love your Job and don’t do that job or pursue a career because there is a pressure from parents, friends, and teachers or by anyone then it is not your cup of tea. If you really Love Sales then only join Sales and always do it with a passion, energy & happiness and I can bet that success will be yours by sure.

Don’t be a Sales Person in your assigned Geographical area or territory

A Sales person is a Sales person and in what way you will not be a Sales person – yes you need to start thinking that You are the General Manager of your territory of Sales because what you are doing at the point of Sales are different than the normal Sales people like: You providing Customer a better product & services at a reasonable price with a proper marketing of the product and a solution to have a value for money along with ensuring a profitability to the company. Overall you are acting as a General Manager of your territory by managing your Sales in a different way where the customer himself will promote your product & services to his Social community, Friends & relatives. These Customers called as referral customer and they will sell for you…the more referral customer you have the more successful you will be..

Success doesn’t comes with your experience or profession it comes with your continuous approach to excellence in whatever you do and create a better value to the customer, to the Company & yourself.

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