In Plant Logistics – Key Elements To Enhance The Business Of Manufacturing Entities

Innovative technologies influence logistics and its marketing in many ways. Advancements in the digitalization of supply chain including automation of logistics process such as Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), smart sensors, big data and Artificial Intelligence has paved the way forward. Technological advances such as these are effectively being used in both internal and external logistics processes.

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Dimension of Reverse-Innovation to Businesses

The existence of the human race, is a story of survival; in the midst the vagaries of our existence, we have innovated and we have evolved. The unexpected vicissitudes has always brought with itself lessons, which have caused a paradigm shift in behavior; be it our daily routine, our lifestyles, our choices and in the way we conduct the businesses of our life.” Keeping this dimension of change simple for a management undergraduate and limiting it to a business scenario, we need to open up a new chapter.

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Decoding Paradigm Shifts And Challenges For Communication Industry In The Post-Covid Era

Way back in 1959, US President John F. Kennedy had said that word ‘crisis’ also presents an opportunity. Decades later, this statement is more relevant than ever for businesses during a pandemic. When a pandemic like Coronavirus struck us, everything from our daily routine to the way we run business and hold conversations has changed drastically. While we are together in this, the truth is our perspective is also changing collectively. As leaders in the communications sector, we have to focus on the shifts while being sensitive so that we can be responsible without losing out on opportunities. In the last few years, the digital platform was teeming with opportunities for the communication industry. Now, with everyone at home, the need to convey the right message on the digital platform has also become imperative. Moreover, the economic challenges of the current period have ensured that businesses think innovatively when it comes to the digital media.

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In Covid Era, It Is Essential To Decode Marketing By Being Empathetic To Customer Needs

I recall this line written I had read long time ago that said that the most dangerous thought in today’s world is “we have always done it this way”. Echoing a certain Darwinian sentiment which calls for adaptability, this is very integral to business and marketing, especially in the current unprecedented times. If there is one thing that Covid 19 has made us realise, it is that the uncertainty looming over us calls for drastic change in the way every brand is handled. As leaders, responsible for important communication in these times, we must be clear about how we perceive our brand and showcase it to the world to retain relevance while being sensitive.

Here are a few ways in which brands need to decode marketing in these tough times of fighting a pandemic.

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Warehousing – Emerging Trends

Warehouse management continues to evolve. Now, that we are in 2020, the warehouse is a carefully managed control center. It is a strategic hub of e-commerce within an overarching supply chain. Exciting as it, the business landscape has transformed, with the arrival of many different challenges, some of which depend on where in the world the warehouse operations are located. 

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