Focus on Sale in “Others Category” with application of 80:20 principle is bound to make you achieve the Targets
Focus is always on major or high volume customers to achieve the Target Volumes & Market Share In all high level review meetings either the focus is on to increase the sale/ Market Share
Five Meetings Needed To Clinch Business Deals Effectively
To clinch the Business deals, Sales person has to display his skills like, Communication, Knowledge of customer’s business, Interpersonal relationship, Negotiations etc… effectively.
In today’s dynamic market, everyone wants to clinch the deals quickly.
Big Customers Are Very Demanding But If You Win Their Trust, They Are Yours For Long-Term. …
Today I am writing about big customers who always set new benchmarks for commercials as well as service. A sales person always finds it difficult to keep on meeting up these benchmarks.
In this case the volume of the customer is around 20% of the total sales target. Hence if this customer is not in his fold, the salesman can neither meet his target for volume nor market share.
Difficult Customers — An Opportunity For Growth
So called good customers provide a short-term ease but difficult customers provide an opportunity for improvement & sustainable growth in business for long term.
In a sales review meeting with the team, the new CEO finds that there is a huge drop in market share in one of the products.
Seize The Opportunity
We all are going through an unprecedent crisis there is no doubt about it and this one is going to stay here for a while. This crisis will also change a lot of things and ensure that most of the things are not going to be the same anymore.
The good part is that such crisis comes once or twice in 100 years, the best part is we may most likely not be facing this again in our life time.
As students our strengths are age, energy and being connected. That’s what we need to harp upon during these uncertain times. If you look at these three pillars individually and merge them together you would realize ways to not just navigate these times but also come out successful.
What Is The Way To Learn Sales?
In my experience here are the ways in which you can learn sales and be a top-notch professional.
Observe what good salespersons in your organization do – If you are working in a sales organization, this is absolutely important and fastest way to learn. I have observed many strong sales persons (and not all were in sales!) and many interesting styles to sell. Observe very closely how the best sales persons in your organization bring in sales, how do they fix their appointments, how do they ask questions, pitch and handle objections from clients. How do they position themselves and so on.
Digital – Too Fast To Comprehend, Too Pervasive To Ignore!
“Boss, we will understand the data signals, optimize our search, do some data management, integrate Al, set an evaluation metric…’ a young trainee exults as | look on, wondering whether he can connect the dots.
In another context, | hear a colleague say, ‘Digital marketing will either outdated us or recast us: At a CMO meet recently, we nodded our heads in sombre agreement. ‘If we can synthesize classical marketing with the newly emerging tools of digital, we will lead the change, if not…’
“We will be led, the others echo.
There Is A Bit Of ‘Marketing Perspective’ In Every Day Life
There is a phrase in Buddhism, “kill the Buddha”, it means that the ideas you have learned to bring you to this point of clarity need to be let go of, if you are to go further and step into your power.
But, why exactly would we want to let go or unlearn?
Does what we already know prevents us from knowing more?
Right from our childhood we are programmed to answer every day at home or school,
What did you learn today?
Organisational Coma
There is a phrase in Buddhism, “kill the Buddha”, it means that the ideas you have learned to bring you to this point of clarity need to be let go of, if you are to go further and step into your power.
But, why exactly would we want to let go or unlearn?
Does what we already know prevents us from knowing more?
Right from our childhood we are programmed to answer every day at home or school,
What did you learn today?
On Boarding The Trade Partner
There’s a saying, “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future” – Chaplain Ronnie Melancon
Repurposing this quote and using this in business context to understand the importance of trade channel partners one may rephrase it to “Show me your trade partners and we can predict the future of the organisation”.