Musts For Realty Sector In Crisis

The fluctuating impact of COVID-19 on global realty is yet to be fathomed. Due to the overarching uncertainty and sales reaching a standstill, the industry is going through a lot of unprecedented turmoil. Stepping out of the lockdown to continue business operations would require a sincere and robust coping strategy. It will be prudent to admit; that work from home and stay at home are two operating maxims which will need massive assistance from real estate brands in these areas. Brands and businesses which are talking to consumers now, must make sure that you are useful to them and simplifying their lives.

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The Online Print Of Tomorrow – A Resurrection of Print

Covid-19 pandemic has adversely affected the Indian print media sector leading to existential crisis for the industry, redefining consumer readinghabits andconsumption of news. With a significant decline in readership, due to dwindling advertisements or a serious disruption in circulation of newspapers and magazines, different media houses have been forced to take extreme steps – from splitting the number of pages, salary cuts, leave without pay for employees or even resorting to shutting down their editions & layoffs. And this onslaught didn’t spare even the editorial teams, the backbone of anynewspaper/ print media.

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Facing The Front From Our Homes! Test Of Our Self-Reliance And Resilience

Most of us civilians have grown up hearing stories of bravery while our soldiers have braved the enemy facing them at the front. This pandemic has probably showed us at every step how is it fighting a battle at our doorstep, in our locality, protecting our loved ones and for the 1st time probably gave a sense what really is the experience of our soldiers at the front.

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