The ‘Main Hoon Na’ Approach to Business

The world is moving from product selling to solution selling. Simultaneously, in any work
environment, both bosses & subordinates are looking for trustworthy colleagues & specialists,
who are resourceful enablers and can get the job done with tenacity, by taking full ownership.
A brand can only win confidence of consumers/customers or a team member can win
confidence of his/her boss, subordinate or peer by exhibiting assurance or re-assurance that
he/she is worthy to perform the role assigned to him/her. Thus, this assurance, confidence &
trust you provide to your internal & external customers led me to the unique philosophy, which
I derived from Bollywood’s block buster, “Main Hoon Na!” i.e. don’t worry, I am here to serve
you, to your satisfaction.

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Vuca World Mandates Everyone To Think Like A Leader

We have heard the word VUCA for years now, what does it really mean…. It is a world which is constantly changing. Be it the economic impact of 2008 due to Lehman brothers, the influence of the digital world, emerging needs of the global consumers, the rise of a generation with a cause “The millennial” or the unexpected pandemic these are but the real experience of the jargon VUCA. Today the experience is far beyond the corporate world and has impacted every facet of our life.

The VUCA influences rapid transformations be it the economic outlook, consumer purchasing behavior, changing consumer needs, changes in the entire value delivery system for instance from mom and pop stores to supermarkets to e-commerce, physical money to the Paytm a and the traditional communication on TV to talking to a more informed digital consumer. The changes are happening at a lightning speed.

VUCA requires different kind of leadership and thinking. The most AMAZING part of the VUCA world is that leadership can come from any quarter and therefore anybody can be a leader… Wow!! How can this happen. The reason is fairly common the organization is looking for a solution, and whoever offers that is a leader.

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How To Add “Extra” To Ordinary

Whenever we think about Cricket world cup, A picture of Great Kapil Dev comes in our mind where he is holding the world cup trophy in his hand, a smile on his face and Lord’s gallery in the backdrop.

Was it possible to achieve this glory for an ordinary team without an exceptional leader against the Star-studded team of West Indians?

So how did an ordinary team transform into extraordinary to achieve monumental success & glory?

Only one answer surfaces in my mind – “‘Leadership & Team management”

The relationship between leader and team is dependent on two pillars: Trust & Responsibility.

And to make this objective oriented and to attain greater heights of success, the final aspect is mentoring.

So we will discuss the three parameters of Team management Trust, Responsibility & Mentoring:

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