Organisational Coma

There is a phrase in Buddhism, “kill the Buddha”, it means that the ideas you have learned to bring you to this point of clarity need to be let go of, if you are to go further and step into your power.

But, why exactly would we want to let go or unlearn?

Does what we already know prevents us from knowing more?

Right from our childhood we are programmed to answer every day at home or school,

What did you learn today?

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What Will I Unlearn Today??

There is a phrase in Buddhism, “kill the Buddha”, it means that the ideas you have learned to bring you to this point of clarity need to be let go of, if you are to go further and step into your power.

But, why exactly would we want to let go or unlearn?

Does what we already know prevents us from knowing more?

Right from our childhood we are programmed to answer every day at home or school,

What did you learn today?

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