Innovation Through Co-Creation

Dr J Robert Oppenheimer, the Father of the Nuclear Bomb, the Director of the Manhattan Project on the 16th of July 1945 famously chanted “Now I am Become Death- The Destroyer of Worlds” from chapter 11, shloka 32 of Sri Sri Bhagavat Gita while watching the massive fireball covering the entire sky at the first nuclear bomb test site at the State of New Mexico, USA.

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The “Mantra” Behind Successful Innovations

Many a times a glittering Star Cast, a World-Renowned Director and a Producer with the deepest pockets backed by a mega-budget marketing campaign fail to create a blockbuster hit film, while a small budget film with an unknown star cast goes on to win Oscars.
Lets’ switchover to the great stories around great brands….the story of the authentic Coke recipe being stored at a secret vault at Atlanta, USA or that of the legendary Captain Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken who after retirement at the age of 65 founded his global empire.

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