Consumer’s Decision Journey: The Way To Gain Confidence and Build Stickiness To Your Brand

The consumer journey to picking up your brand is not a straight forward process of eye level & buy level anymore, which means that no more does it involve only being present in the retail and blasting the media out with your presence. With the evolving consumer and the information overload because of the digital world, the complexities are increasing by the day. It involves many explorations over the net, checking with friends, experts, word of mouth, the influence of peers, media and other touchpoints that the consumer visit, and it is essential that the brand engages the consumer at all these points to drive him towards the moment of truth where he or she feels the real urge to pick up your brand.

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Fret, Fume Or Fly: COVID-19 Is Here To Stay

As the COVID -19 pandemic continues spreading across the globe, it has brought together the world of the unknown and a flurry of uncertainties. Its apparent now, the whole universe is in the state of unprecedented crisis; the magnitude and scale never ever witnessed in the history of mankind.

In the panel session on “Crisis &Everyday: The Role of Physical Security in a World of Change” in Genetec’s Virtual Tradeshow, Connect ’DX, the Principal &Managing Consultant of The Brekke Group, Brad Brekke emphasized just how complicated the pandemic’s effect on the security industry is. “This is a unique challenge,” Brekke said. “This is a biological risk, and it’s unknown — there is lack of data, not just for the security industry, but for the world. There’s a lot of uncertainty as we navigate this, and we’re being challenged in a way I’ve not seen before.”

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Mapping customer journey as important step before you plan your go to market

The consumer journey to picking up your brand is not a straightforward process of eye level & buy level anymore, which means that no more does it involve only being present in the retail and blasting the media out with the brand hard-selling proposition. Consumers are evolving and the information overload because of the digital world the complexities are increasing by the day, It involves many explorations over the net, checking with friends, experts, word of mouth, the influence of peers, media, and other touchpoints that the consumer visits. It is essential that the brand engages the consumer at all these points to drive him towards the moment of truth where he or she feels the real urge to pick up your brand.

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