Fallacies of Change Management

It’s often said that at the core, everyone is a Salesperson. Irrespective of the work, level or the profession you are in, as long as you are dealing with people, you are selling something. Hence, shouldn’t sales be second nature to all?

When you set aside the commercial angle of Sales, it is just an exchange of goods, services or ideas, which is an integral part of our daily lives. So, what is the larger definition of Sales? Here’s what I would put it as – anything you do to help another person or provide value to them in exchange for something tangible or intangible, is Sales. And when that exchange entails a monetary value, its commercial sales as we know of it. And when there is no monetary aspect in this exchange, which is very often the case in our daily lives, we seldom think of it as Sales. However, the exchange for some intangible benefit is also Sales in another form.

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Fallacies of Change Management

How often have you heard or read about ‘Change Management’? And how often have you heard about the clichéd but the true phrase “Change is the only constant”? There would be hundreds and thousands of books and articles on Change Management

Yet, I’m taking a punt to write on the same, for the simple reason that this seems to be the underlying theme in many businesses today. While you could deny and choose to ignore at your own peril, but the smartness lies in accepting this arduous fact of life. However, while a lot has been written and said about what to do in Change Management, I would like to dwell on some of the fallacies in Change management and hence what you should avoid. Here are 7 of them

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