People Centric Business- A Confluence of Infrastructure, Technology and People

Do you know People (Employees, Customer, Investors, and Business Partners) generates more data points in a company than any other factor? Invasion of mobile phone has accelerated the pace of data generation. A research said, an average person looks at his/her mobile screen more than 600 times a day. Social media has already taken world by a storm with an exponential growth of more than 80% per annum. Internet speeds are increasing day by day, with fibre networks being made available across nooks and corner of the country. The work boundaries have melted with anytime anywhere working condition. This phenomenon is something, which is also talked in business circles under the new strategy of SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) or CAMSS (Cloud, Analytics, Social and Security). Indeed, this is an era of data and digitization for run business.  

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Social Marketing and Public Relations – A Boon Or A Bane

It took aviation and automobile industry more than 60 years to gain user base of 5 crores and the same feat was achieved by Twitter in 2 years and Pokémon-go in only 19 days!!! Such is the incredible power of digitization and social media in recent times.

I often refer to the first chapter of the bible of marketing, the Principals of Marketing Management book of Mr. Philip Kotler, to distinguish between the selling concept and marketing concept. While, marketing is a logical way to build services and products in a sustainable manner, an excessive usage of it, in today’s era of social marketing and public relations (PR), has its own benefits and drawbacks.

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Practical Guide – Distribution Sales – Chapter-1(Channel Partner Selection) (Part 2))

In the previous article we have covered the “Personal Profile” of the Distributor, which is the softer part of the assessment while appointing a new Channel Partner. Now, let’s discuss the “Business Profile” part, which would vary greatly based on product, industry, market strategy etc., however, generic factors are covered below.

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Distribution Sales Through Channel Partners (Part 1)

For many manufacturing companies, success in sales depends to a large extent on “Distribution Sales”, which is achieved through its network of Channel Partners. In this series of articles on the topic, let’s try to delve into some practical experiences & leanings on the subject, gathered essentially during actual field workings. Since these articles have not being written in a pre-planned manner, it would be shared in a free-flowing manner as a collection of short write-ups; hope the readers find the insights useful.

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Pandemic Communications Essentials: What Coronavirus Has Taught The Communications Fraternity

The communications industry is an apt reflection of our time: fast-paced and in need of constant evolution. Especially during crises, well-devised communications can become the quickest tool in ensuring business continuity and responding to unprecedented situations.

When the pandemic struck, a one-of-a-kind black swan event that few communication professionals had seen before in their careers – it proved difficult to determine how to reach out to stakeholders. With business goals compromised, cultural shifts inevitable and expectations from brands rapidly changing – most organizations around the world hadn’t factored in the possibility of something this unthinkable: and reeled in shock for weeks before formulating an appropriate communications strategy. With businesses of all sizes affected, communication leaders were faced with an anxious audience that required messages that showed depth of emotion, while still being disruptive

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Marketing Through Influencers

Was watching an old Bengali movie. The protagonist reaches Puri Railway Station. As soon as he alights from the train he is surrounded by Ricksnaw-Wala. Tonga-Wala & T8Xl-Wala offering him a ride to the “best hotel” in town with a complete package offering for 3 days of tour inclusive of a Panda/Priest guided Puja & Tour of the Sacred Sri Jagannath Temple. and a ”Nulia (local lifeguards) guided swimming experience in the rough seas of Puri. etc. The Hero gets very confused but ultimately falls for the smooth-talking Rickshaw Puller and decides to book the hotel which he was recommending.

Now the question is why did our protagonist settle for the hotel which the Rickshaw Puller recommended and did’nt I check in at the more renowned properties of Puri* &. why did the Rickshaw puller so fervently recommend this lesser known notel* The answer to question number 1 is, because of the power of Influences marketing and Answer to question number 2 is ..well ..even a 4-5 year old boy would give you the answer.

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