People Centric Business- A Confluence of Infrastructure, Technology and People

Do you know People (Employees, Customer, Investors, and Business Partners) generates more data points in a company than any other factor? Invasion of mobile phone has accelerated the pace of data generation. A research said, an average person looks at his/her mobile screen more than 600 times a day. Social media has already taken world by a storm with an exponential growth of more than 80% per annum. Internet speeds are increasing day by day, with fibre networks being made available across nooks and corner of the country. The work boundaries have melted with anytime anywhere working condition. This phenomenon is something, which is also talked in business circles under the new strategy of SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) or CAMSS (Cloud, Analytics, Social and Security). Indeed, this is an era of data and digitization for run business.  

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My Client Is An Idiot – A Note On Trust And Empathy Based Selling

In the year 2010, I got an opportunity to hear Dr David Maister, co-author of The Trust Advisor in a conference in Washington DC, USA. Since then, the collocated word, Trusted-Advisor got stuck with me, and is also an often-aspired phrase in the service industry. 

We use many collated words in our personal and professional life, like Manager-Employees, Employer-Employee, Dealer-Distributor, Market-Customer, etc.  One can notice a common thread in all of these. Often the word of high prominence and significance is mentioned and spoken first in all these collocated words. You just cannot speak other way around, so much is the significant of the first word.

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Social Marketing and Public Relations – A Boon Or A Bane

It took aviation and automobile industry more than 60 years to gain user base of 5 crores and the same feat was achieved by Twitter in 2 years and Pokémon-go in only 19 days!!! Such is the incredible power of digitization and social media in recent times.

I often refer to the first chapter of the bible of marketing, the Principals of Marketing Management book of Mr. Philip Kotler, to distinguish between the selling concept and marketing concept. While, marketing is a logical way to build services and products in a sustainable manner, an excessive usage of it, in today’s era of social marketing and public relations (PR), has its own benefits and drawbacks.

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