Product Development In Startups

Conventional approaches to product development maximise chances of success by building all possible features that could fulfil the maximum number of customer needs. Startups don’t have the luxury of investing the same time and money. That’s why the MVP approach is better suited for startups.

What’s the most difficult job in the world? The answers to could range from Astronaut, Bomb Disposal Technician, Construction Worker, Diver – and the list could go on. I wouldn’t be surprised if “Startup Founder” ranked somewhere at the top of that list.

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Secrets Of An International Assignment

Have you ever wondered why we only ever hear the term “Non-Resident Indian”, and not “Non-Resident any-other-nationality”? Perhaps there is a technical answer deeply embedded in India’s complex tax laws. But viewed from another lens, this group does merit a dedicated terminology. After all, they do constitute by far the largest group expatriates resident abroad1! International assignees are a major sub-group of NRI’s, and the subject of this article.

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Marketing, The STP Way

Achieving market leadership requires more than a great product. Read on for the STP approach.
So, your company has developed this great product with lots of cool features and great styling. Before you put it on store shelves, there are a few more actions to take for achieving success. The STP approach integrates time-tested marketing basics to get you there – Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning. In fact, STP necessarily comes before developing the marketing mix!

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