In the fast-evolving landscape of business, one of the most significant levers of sustained success is an organization’s culture.
In the fast-evolving landscape of business, one of the most significant levers of sustained success is an organization’s culture.
On visits to South Asian countries through the noughties, I had seen masks being used as a barrier against pollutants and a filter against air-borne allergens. From simple scarves to intricate gas masks, face coverings were just everywhere.
In the fast-changing world of business today, leadership is perhaps turning out to be the single most critical element. Effective leadership is the foundation upon which transformation is carried and upon which sustainable growth depends for organizations as they navigate through the complexities and vagaries of the world.
The modern world is full of challenges, and recently, most of the organizations have been trying to reinvent themselves.
My foray into building materials and interior infrastructure industry was in 2007, when I joined one of the leading interior infrastructure brands at Delhi as the Country Head of decorative division.
In my nearly four decades of experience in the fast-moving electrical goods sector, I have witnessed firsthand how a combination of mindset, clarity, and action can transform lives.
In my 24 years of experience in the lighting industry, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing and contributing to its dynamic growth. The industry’s rapid evolution has presented unique challenges and opportunities, especially in building and leading high-performance teams
The Oil and Gas sector plays a crucial role in influencing decision-making for other important sectors of the economy. India’s economic growth is closely related to its energy demand and therefore the need for growth of the petroleum sector, making the sector conducive for investment.